Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta unit-10. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta unit-10. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 31 de mayo de 2022

Unit 10


 Hi again, my dear students! 
I am here again because we
are going to go on studying the history of Spain, in this case, the Spain of 20th century

Please, help me to stretch my dock to the maximum to travel!

1st session. Wednesday 6/4

Let's play. How much do you Know about the Restoration?

2nd session. Friday 8/4

Let's play. How much do you know about the Modernisation of Spain?

3rd, 4th and 5th session. Monday 18/4 to Monday 25/4

We are going to do a work about the daily life during the restoration, you must look for typical food, clothing, social customs, etc. To do this you will have to answer the following questions:

How did they dress?
what did they work for?
What kind of houses did they live in?
What social events did they attend?
What rights did they have?

In addition we will make a representation of Spanish society during that time so you must divide yourselves into working class, it will be half of the class, and of the remaining class 3 ⁄ 5 parts will be middle class and 2 ⁄ 5 upper class.

6th session. Wednesday 27/4

For this activity you will have to make a conceptual map with images and text fragments explaining the causes of the birth of the Second Spanish Republic, what happened during said republic and how it ended. The most outstanding figures and an image of them must be indicated.

To take into account: reforms, 1931 constitution, frank uprising.

7th and 8th session. Friday 29/4 to Wednesday 4/5

For this activity we will create a museum of the Spanish civil war. You should look for books, poems, images, paintings, newspaper articles, etc. They are from the civil war period. In the classroom or in a multipurpose room, everything found by you will be displayed and you will have to give a brief explanation about what you have found.

9th and 10th sessions. Friday 6/5 to Monday 9/5.

For this activity you will have to make a mural with the most important aspects of the Franco dictatorship and post-war life. Politics and economy as well as social life and the cultural consequences of the war in the Spanish population must be observed.

11th session. Wednesday 11/5

You will have to make a chronology line from the death of Franco to the entrance of Spain in the European Union with images and expose it by groups in class.

Reinforce session. Friday 13/5

Here you have a game to review and reinforce all the contents seen during the unit.

Unit 11

Hi again, my dear students!  I am here again because we are going to go on studying the history of Spain, in this case, the path to modern S...