martes, 31 de mayo de 2022

Unit 11

Hi again, my dear students! 

I am here again because we
are going to go on studying the history of Spain, in this case, the path to modern Spain.

Please, help me to stretch my dock to the maximum to travel!

1st session. Monday 16/5

For this activity you have to complete this scheme with the information provided in class.

Now we are going to do a kahoot. Prove yourself!

2nd session. Wednesday 18/5

Let's check if you have understood. Play to prove your knowledge!

Now make a scheme with the main characteristics of the division of powers.

3rd session. Friday 20/5

Let's check if you have understood. Play to prove your knowledge!

Now we create our own country. The class will be divided into 4 groups, the government, the people, the judiciary and the legislature. You must create a law. Someone from the town will have to break it and the judiciary will have to judge him. The government will be in charge of directing the class throughout the process.

4th session. Monday 23/5

We are going to review what we have seen in class about the autonomous communities.

5th session. Wednesday 25/5

We are going to play two games to learn the autonomous communities and their provinces. 

6th session. Friday 27/5


Unit 12



During this unit, we are going to learn about the history of the European Union. 

INTRODUCTION.1st session. Monday 30/05

Hi guys! To start the unit, we will do the activity that you can find in the book on page 69.

Today each of you is going to become a country and you have to make a proposal to improve the European Union by following the steps below:

1. Name of the country
2. Think of a current problem that affects your country.
3. Put forward a proposal to solve that problem.
4. Find out someone who works in the institution and write them a letter with your proposal.

THE HISTORY OF EU. 2nd session. Wednesday 1/05 

You will have to watch this video in which a friend explains how the European Union came into being. Take note! 

Then you will have to answer a series of questions in a KAHOOT!!! 



The EU Timeline. 3rd session. Friday 3/06 


Europe Day is celebrated on 9 May.
Why did they choose this day? Let's investigate it! 

In today's class, we are going to make a timeline!

To do this, we will make groups of 3 people. I will give you a series of years and a series of events.

You will have to find out in which order these events happened and make your timeline. 
Come on!!! 

YEARS: 1957-1986-2002-1981-2007-1973-2019-1995-2013-1957

-Croatia joins, making it 28 countries strong.
-Bulgaria and Romania join
-Austria, Finland, and Sweden join
-Greece joins
-Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom join
-The euro becomes the currency of the EU
-Spain and Portugal join
-The United Kingdom leaves the EU
-The European Union starts with six members
-10 more countries join 

Here you have a short summary of how to do a timeline. I hope it will be of help to you!

We created our own Union. 4th session. Monday 6/06 


Why did the EU choose the EURO?


During the next two sessions, we will carry out the final work. It will be in groups of 3. 

It consists of creating your own European Union but personalized. The final result will have to be captured: on a poster board, with a video, using a PowerPoint, whatever you want! 

Follow the steps below and... BE CREATIVE! 

1.  Name of the Union 

2. Design a currency 

3. Design a flag

4. Countries that make it up 

5. Your slogan

6. Each member of the group will have a role in the institution of your Union: 

-The planners
-The decision-makers
-The regulators

Divide up the roles and each of you will have to explain what consists of your work of. 

7. Choose a current social problem and propose a solution to it.

We present our projects. 5th session. Wednesday 8/06 

It's time to get to know your creations! 

TIME TO REVIEW. What do you remember??? 


Thanks to all of you,  Mr. Potato has found his wife! Now they can continue their adventure together again. 

Unit 10


 Hi again, my dear students! 
I am here again because we
are going to go on studying the history of Spain, in this case, the Spain of 20th century

Please, help me to stretch my dock to the maximum to travel!

1st session. Wednesday 6/4

Let's play. How much do you Know about the Restoration?

2nd session. Friday 8/4

Let's play. How much do you know about the Modernisation of Spain?

3rd, 4th and 5th session. Monday 18/4 to Monday 25/4

We are going to do a work about the daily life during the restoration, you must look for typical food, clothing, social customs, etc. To do this you will have to answer the following questions:

How did they dress?
what did they work for?
What kind of houses did they live in?
What social events did they attend?
What rights did they have?

In addition we will make a representation of Spanish society during that time so you must divide yourselves into working class, it will be half of the class, and of the remaining class 3 ⁄ 5 parts will be middle class and 2 ⁄ 5 upper class.

6th session. Wednesday 27/4

For this activity you will have to make a conceptual map with images and text fragments explaining the causes of the birth of the Second Spanish Republic, what happened during said republic and how it ended. The most outstanding figures and an image of them must be indicated.

To take into account: reforms, 1931 constitution, frank uprising.

7th and 8th session. Friday 29/4 to Wednesday 4/5

For this activity we will create a museum of the Spanish civil war. You should look for books, poems, images, paintings, newspaper articles, etc. They are from the civil war period. In the classroom or in a multipurpose room, everything found by you will be displayed and you will have to give a brief explanation about what you have found.

9th and 10th sessions. Friday 6/5 to Monday 9/5.

For this activity you will have to make a mural with the most important aspects of the Franco dictatorship and post-war life. Politics and economy as well as social life and the cultural consequences of the war in the Spanish population must be observed.

11th session. Wednesday 11/5

You will have to make a chronology line from the death of Franco to the entrance of Spain in the European Union with images and expose it by groups in class.

Reinforce session. Friday 13/5

Here you have a game to review and reinforce all the contents seen during the unit.

Unit 8


Hi guys!!! 👋

Today we will start a new unit, are you ready?

So far, we have known the different autonomous communities that make up our country, Spain, as well as the most important rivers and mountain ranges, but... what about our continent, Europe?

INTRODUCTION.1st session. Monday 21/02

Do you remember the travel agency we set up in the previous unit? has to act again!


You have some clients who want to visit a country in Europe (other than Spain), and they have the option of visiting the two places in the pictures below.
You, as an agency, have to research about these places, indicate advantages and disadvantages of visiting each one and you should recommend 1 activity to do in each of them.
Finally, you will present your proposal to the rest of your classmates.



CUSTOMIZE OUR MAP OF EUROPE2nd session. Wednesday 23/02

Hello! Today we are going to work with the map of Europe.

For the first activity, you will click on the following link and you will find a map chart of Europe, and there is a problem... it is empty! 

1. Firstly your job is to customize it: to color the different countries and borders and indicate the name of each country. Then, once, you have customized it and the map is complete, you are going to draw it in your notebook.

You sure have drawn a beautiful map! 😜

2. Now, looking at your map, answer the following question (you can find it on page 20 of the book).

Add 2 more questions and challenge your classmates!!!

WHAT IS A WATERSHED?. 3rd session. Friday 25/02


I have a new challenge for you guys: What is a WATERSHED?

You should see the video below and try to make your own definition of it.

We are going to start today's class by doing 4 groups which will be: 

1. Atlantic watershed rivers

2. Artic watershed rivers

3. Mediterranean watershed rivers

4. Rivers of the Southeast 

You will have to research the 3 main rivers in that area, their source, and mouth and you will have to add 1 characteristic of them.

When you have them, draw them on your map of Europe.

When all of you finish, each group will present their research to the rest of the class.

NOTICE: The groups should draw the other groups’ rivers on their maps as well!

If we have time at the end of class, we will reinforce what we have learned so far with these two interactive games. You can practice at home too!


DAY OD ANDALUSIA4th session. Friday 28/02

As you know, today is the day of ANDALUSIA! 

We are going to take advantage of the second half of the class to extend our knowledge even more: we
will learn about the rivers and watersheds of Andalusia!





















Each of you will be in charge of one of these rivers or watersheds. 

You have to investigate the source and mouth of the river, and therefore through which provinces it flows. 

When you have finished, each of you will go out and explain it to the rest of your classmates.
At the end of class, we will complete this map together!!! 🙌 

MOUNTAINS OF EUROPE. 5th session. Wednesday 2/03

Today we are going to work in groups of 2 or 3 people.  

1. For the first activity, I am going to give you a little box with cards which contain the names of the most important mountains in Europe. Each group will take one of them: 




1.     2In groups, you have to go to page 24 of the book and you will take note of the information about your mountain. Then you will find out the geographical location of the mountain on the map of Europe. When you finish it, you have to point it out on the maps we drew in the previous session.


3. Finally, each group will have to go to the board and explain the information they have found to their partners, who will also take note so that all groups have the same information.

WHO IS WHO?. 6th session. Friday 4/03

Today we are going to do a game and we will do it with the same groups as the previous lesson.  

We are going to play the Who's Who
of the mountains
of Europe, we saw in the previous class to see if you remember them!

-In the first half of the class, you will make a short description of each of the mountains we saw. For example:

I am at the highest peak in Europe: Elbrus.

I am a mountain range in the center of Europe and the river Danube flows through me: the Carpathian Mountains

-When you all have it, we'll start the game: we will play 1 group VS 1 group. Every hit will be a point!


 session. Wednesday 9/03

Do we see what we have learned? 

It's time to evaluate ourselves, do you remember how we did it in the last unit?

There is one condition... you have 3 chances and you can't get less than a 9! GOOD LUCK, YOU CAN! 


Here is a mix of vocabulary from the two geography units, let's remember! 


Thanks to all of you,  Mr. Potato has found again another part of his body. 
In this case...
HIS LEGS! He really missed them! 

Unit 11

Hi again, my dear students!  I am here again because we are going to go on studying the history of Spain, in this case, the path to modern S...